The Excrement Trade
CRAPO, MICHIGAN, USA — shit (noun): also crap, bull, dirt, poop, turd, dung, muck, manure, kaka, waste, feces, stool, droppings
Limericks, which originated around 1896, are short, humorous poems five lines long. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other. The third and fourth lines are shorter and form a rhymed couplet. Stumpy believes that the point of the poem matters more than slavish adherence to anapestic form. So screw metrical feet. Just enjoy them!
CRAPO, MICHIGAN, USA — shit (noun): also crap, bull, dirt, poop, turd, dung, muck, manure, kaka, waste, feces, stool, droppings
NORTH ATLANTIC — Fish names are second only to bird names as the most ridiculous ones in the animal kingdom.
COUNTY KERRY, IRELAND — In the land of Erin, keep moving and stay alert or suffer an unimaginable involuntary penetration.
BRINY BREEZES, FLORIDA, USA — Half fish, half woman. How does one reconcile such a nightmarish morphological mismatch.
WESTERN PACIFIC — There’s room for art in all facets of life, you just have to be willing to invest the time, energy and expense to make it a permanent resident.
WETMORE, COLORADO, USA — Sage relationship advice delivered at the right time can avert a lot of heartache.