The Excrement Trade
CRAPO, MICHIGAN, USA — shit (noun): also crap, bull, dirt, poop, turd, dung, muck, manure, kaka, waste, feces, stool, droppings
CRAPO, MICHIGAN, USA — shit (noun): also crap, bull, dirt, poop, turd, dung, muck, manure, kaka, waste, feces, stool, droppings
NORTH ATLANTIC — Fish names are second only to bird names as the most ridiculous ones in the animal kingdom.
COUNTY KERRY, IRELAND — In the land of Erin, keep moving and stay alert or suffer an unimaginable involuntary penetration.
BRINY BREEZES, FLORIDA, USA — Half fish, half woman. How does one reconcile such a nightmarish morphological mismatch.
WESTERN PACIFIC — There’s room for art in all facets of life, you just have to be willing to invest the time, energy and expense to make it a permanent resident.
WETMORE, COLORADO, USA — Sage relationship advice delivered at the right time can avert a lot of heartache.