INTERCOURSE, PENNSYLVANIA, USA — In the end, it’s family you gotta choose, when everyone else has let you down.
Haikus are Japanese-inspired, three-line, 17-syllable poems. Lines 1 and 3 are five syllables long. Line 2 is composed of seven syllables. There are no rhyme or meter proscriptions.
INTERCOURSE, PENNSYLVANIA, USA — In the end, it’s family you gotta choose, when everyone else has let you down.
HARD SCRATCH, IOWA — Good lord, it’s now on the menu and reasonably priced, but are you brave enough to order it?
SHORT PUMP, VIRGINIA — A diminutive poetic form for diminutive human forms.
CHUMSTICK, WASHINGTON — Haste makes waste, and in this case haste may also make chaste, at least for a while.
NORTHEAST PACIFIC — Males of most species are sexually ignorant. A significant portion focus exclusively on their own gratification.
DICK, MICHIGAN, USA — Neurodivergents can experience great difficulty in verbalizing their thoughts and feelings, as if the words themselves were mocking them.