Unreliable Boners
BLACK PIPE, SOUTH DAKOTA, USA — It’s a race to acquire a bigger pecker. Who will end up on the short end of the stick?
Bias or prejudice based solely on one’s actual or stereotypical race or ethnicity, such as whites (Europeans), blacks (Africans), Asians, aborigines or native peoples, jews, arabs, Indians and gypsies (Romany people)..
BLACK PIPE, SOUTH DAKOTA, USA — It’s a race to acquire a bigger pecker. Who will end up on the short end of the stick?
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, USA — This guy in reality is so ludicrous, so ridiculous and so absurd, that jokes seem pale in comparison, but here are some, anyway.
GULF OF MEXICO — Even fish can be victims of antisemitic stereotypes. Or so some say.
PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, USA — Trump is many things—thief, xenophobe, misogynist, narcissist, liar, braggart, predator, cheat, homophobe, elitist—but is he a racist? Yes.
HONG KONG — Different cultures use different implements to prepare and consume food, sometimes with very strong opinions on the matter.
BIGGERVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, USA — Knowledge of ethnic hair care is a real differentiator when it comes to choice of stylist.