The Trekkie Version
PLANET VULCAN — Raise your fingers in the right way and say, “Live long and prosper.”
The science fiction television and film franchise created by Gene Roddenberry in the 1960s, including spinoffs, conventions, “trekkie” culture, merchandise, art, films, books, games and related things.
PLANET VULCAN — Raise your fingers in the right way and say, “Live long and prosper.”
PLANET RIGEL VII — There is no doubt that relations with offworld civilizations would expand the horizons of porn content, technology and markets.
DELTA QUADRANT — Star Trek‘s “holodeck” technology seems to cause more trouble than it’s worth, but the stories are good.
SPACE STATION K-7 — The anatomy of these furry favorites in the Star Trek universe has been poorly understood for a long time.
ALPHA QUADRANT — If a security officer you’ve never seen beams down to the planet surface with Kirk in the opening Star Trek scene, you know it’s not going to end well for him.