Star Wars: Leia in Quarantine
DEATH STAR (FIRST) — She was in that cell a long time, presumably without adequate bathing facilities or access to toiletries.
Limericks, which originated around 1896, are short, humorous poems five lines long. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other. The third and fourth lines are shorter and form a rhymed couplet. Stumpy believes that the point of the poem matters more than slavish adherence to anapestic form. So screw metrical feet. Just enjoy them!
DEATH STAR (FIRST) — She was in that cell a long time, presumably without adequate bathing facilities or access to toiletries.
SNOOK, TEXAS, USA — In any community, there are keystone players who touch a disproportionate number of others during a typical day.
LONGWOOD, WISCONSIN, USA — There’s something sexy about a strapping tradesmen with a toolbelt, who bends wood to his will.
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA — Success in Hollywood often comes at the expense of some quid pro quo. If you choose to pay the price, that’s on you.
NORMAL, ILLINOIS, USA — It’s not easy tackling culture shock, no matter how much you try to change. Some aspects of your upbringing are immutable.
CHICKEN BRISTLE, ILLINOIS, USA — If you have access to something you care about, don’t take it for granted. That access can be denied.