Sam Harris
RAMTOWN, NEW JERSEY, USA — The neoatheist school of thought is not disposed to tolerating religion as an analog of scientific thought.
G – Generally Innocuous
Contains inoffensive, safe content that is suitable for virtually all ages and sensibilities.
Example: Ponies and rainbows make Sarah smile.
RAMTOWN, NEW JERSEY, USA — The neoatheist school of thought is not disposed to tolerating religion as an analog of scientific thought.
PLANETOID LV-426 — Corporatism in space places profits over all other considerations, including human life.
SHAFTSBURY, VERMONT, USA — One of the contemporary intellectuals who unapologetically described himself as an enemy of religion.
LOCAL RESERVOIR — They’re not remotely like their namesakes, but they are pretty cool, nonetheless.
LOCAL APIARY — Honey has fed humans and our ancestors back at least 34 million years. It’s a remarkable substance, and, if you think about it, kind of disgusting.
OXFORD, ENGLAND — Dawkins may be less overtly anti-religious than some of his contemporaries, but he is an outspoken critic baseless claims.