The Narcoleptic Whore
TUCKAHOE, NEW JERSEY, USA — It’s hard enough to make a living on your back, but if you just can’t stay awake while you’re there?
PG – Pretty Gross
May contain adult themes offensive to sensitive readers.
Example: You know, Mike is kind of a douchebag.
TUCKAHOE, NEW JERSEY, USA — It’s hard enough to make a living on your back, but if you just can’t stay awake while you’re there?
SPREAD EAGLE, WISCONSIN, USA — Being limber has many advantages.
BANGKOK, THAILAND — Some actions just cannot be undone, so you better be goddamn sure it’s what you really, really, really want to do.
INDIAN OCEAN — Humans have a checkered past with cetaceans. Some populations are bouncing back. Romances are blooming.
BUCKATUNNA, MISSISSIPPI, USA — Deer play a pivotal role in our economic system. Or so this limerick implies.
PLANET RIGEL VII — There is no doubt that relations with offworld civilizations would expand the horizons of porn content, technology and markets.