Christopher Hitchens
SHAFTSBURY, VERMONT, USA — One of the contemporary intellectuals who unapologetically described himself as an enemy of religion.
SHAFTSBURY, VERMONT, USA — One of the contemporary intellectuals who unapologetically described himself as an enemy of religion.
OTTAWA, CANADA — Danger lurks around every corner. Canada’s Ministry of Transportation aims to save lives with road signage.
RUMPUS RIDGE, SOUTH DAKOTA, USA — Jokes about a sicko flash-in-the-pan minor cultural icon before he was arrested, tried and imprisoned.
CHEAT LAKE, WISCONSIN, USA — Data breaches can range from relatively inconsequential to dangerous, embarrassing and ruinous.
CONSEQUENCES, NEW MEXICO, USA — “America’s Dad” turned out to be a serial rapist, a sexual predator that assaulted women for decades. Until the law caught up with him.
BEAVERLICK, KENTUCKY, USA — Oral sex is an outrageously funny concept. People will lick just about anything given the chance.