Star Wars: Leia in Quarantine
DEATH STAR (FIRST) — She was in that cell a long time, presumably without adequate bathing facilities or access to toiletries.
DEATH STAR (FIRST) — She was in that cell a long time, presumably without adequate bathing facilities or access to toiletries.
SNOOK, TEXAS, USA — In any community, there are keystone players who touch a disproportionate number of others during a typical day.
LONGWOOD, WISCONSIN, USA — There’s something sexy about a strapping tradesmen with a toolbelt, who bends wood to his will.
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA — Success in Hollywood often comes at the expense of some quid pro quo. If you choose to pay the price, that’s on you.
NORMAL, ILLINOIS, USA — It’s not easy tackling culture shock, no matter how much you try to change. Some aspects of your upbringing are immutable.
CHICKEN BRISTLE, ILLINOIS, USA — If you have access to something you care about, don’t take it for granted. That access can be denied.