Whispers of Light
LOCAL GALACTIC ARM — Most life as we know it requires sunlight to flourish. We are no different.
Actual and fictional accounts of the agencies, people, machines, technologies, challenges and politics of space exploration, whether inside or outside the solar system.
LOCAL GALACTIC ARM — Most life as we know it requires sunlight to flourish. We are no different.
CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND — Stephen Hawking had various caregivers who provided a helping hand when he needed it most.
PLANET VULCAN — Raise your fingers in the right way and say, “Live long and prosper.”
CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND — Stephen Hawking did have a sense of humor and he did like talking about black holes in particular.
PLANET CORUSCANT — Here are some jokes about the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Episodes I–III.
PLANET TATOOINE (DESERT WORLD) — Here are some jokes about the original Star Wars trilogy, Episodes IV–VI.