The Ass-Man
KIESTER, MINNESOTA, USA — If a fantasy comes true, actual reality may not live up to the imagined one.
If you’re not into being on the receiving end of butt-sex, watch out!
KIESTER, MINNESOTA, USA — If a fantasy comes true, actual reality may not live up to the imagined one.
PLANET CORUSCANT — Here are some jokes about the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Episodes I–III.
BOAR TUSH, ARKANSAS, USA — Every bad guy has a method of choice to rob you of your valuables.
BAGGS, WYOMING, USA — After driving cattle all day in the dust and blazing sun, some cowboys will be boys with other boys.
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN — Piracy on the high seas has always been a tough choice of profession. But call of the booty is irresistable.
LOW EARTH ORBIT — Isolation can change a person, sometimes in dramatic ways, even with regards to sexuality.