Dung Weight Standards
KAKA, ARIZONA, USA — If it’s got to be moved, it’s got to be weighed. Special units of measure apply.
Limericks, which originated around 1896, are short, humorous poems five lines long. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other. The third and fourth lines are shorter and form a rhymed couplet. Stumpy believes that the point of the poem matters more than slavish adherence to anapestic form. So screw metrical feet. Just enjoy them!
KAKA, ARIZONA, USA — If it’s got to be moved, it’s got to be weighed. Special units of measure apply.
PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA — There often special procedures for elite military units to employ, but some are needlessly perilous.
DISAPPOINTMENT, KENTUCKY, USA — Slam words together to form new ones. What could possibly go wrong?
CARIBBEAN SEA — When conditions are particularly bad, you can always use drugs to quell rebellion.
KWAZULU-NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA — There was time when photos of bare-breasted “savages” served the same purpose as the Sears bra catalog.
EXPERIMENT, GEORGIA — If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned.