Zoë’s Zombie Lover
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, USA — When the dead rise from their graves to feast on the living, you can count on one thing: old relationships didn’t rise with them.
Limericks, which originated around 1896, are short, humorous poems five lines long. The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other. The third and fourth lines are shorter and form a rhymed couplet. Stumpy believes that the point of the poem matters more than slavish adherence to anapestic form. So screw metrical feet. Just enjoy them!
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, USA — When the dead rise from their graves to feast on the living, you can count on one thing: old relationships didn’t rise with them.
TAIPEI, CHINA — Some people derive all kinds of pleasure from doing things with, and putting things in, their mouths.
SOUTH ATLANTIC — Underway, anything can happen. And when it does, salvation can come from those you’d least expect. That’s the law of the sea.
HANAU, GERMANY — Fairy tales are some brutal shit, but kids take the atrocities in stride in the absence of additional moral context.
ALPHA QUADRANT — If a security officer you’ve never seen beams down to the planet surface with Kirk in the opening Star Trek scene, you know it’s not going to end well for him.
NORTH ATLANTIC — If your ship runs into an iceberg, you better be prepared to survive in the water.