Dung Weight Standards
KAKA, ARIZONA, USA — If it’s got to be moved, it’s got to be weighed. Special units of measure apply.
KAKA, ARIZONA, USA — If it’s got to be moved, it’s got to be weighed. Special units of measure apply.
PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA — There often special procedures for elite military units to employ, but some are needlessly perilous.
DISAPPOINTMENT, KENTUCKY, USA — Slam words together to form new ones. What could possibly go wrong?
CARIBBEAN SEA — When conditions are particularly bad, you can always use drugs to quell rebellion.
KWAZULU-NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA — There was time when photos of bare-breasted “savages” served the same purpose as the Sears bra catalog.
EXPERIMENT, GEORGIA — If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned.