Alien: Ash
PLANETOID LV-426 — Corporatism in space places profits over all other considerations, including human life.
Actual and fictional accounts of the agencies, people, machines, technologies, challenges and politics of space exploration, whether inside or outside the solar system.
PLANETOID LV-426 — Corporatism in space places profits over all other considerations, including human life.
PLANET KAMINO — The Grand Army of the Republic, rather than the defenders of democracy, was its undoing.
DEATH STAR (SECOND) — They paid a heavy price to get the data. At least their sacrifice was not in vain.
DELTA QUADRANT — Star Trek‘s “holodeck” technology seems to cause more trouble than it’s worth, but the stories are good.
SPACE STATION K-7 — The anatomy of these furry favorites in the Star Trek universe has been poorly understood for a long time.
LOW EARTH ORBIT — Isolation can change a person, sometimes in dramatic ways, even with regards to sexuality.