Limericks, Rated PG

North and South

Said the Reb to the Yankee whore:
“My wounds are a map of the war;
“This here belly scar o’ mine
“That’s the Mason-Dixon line,
“And below, the South rises once more!”

See also this limerick’s Erections companion pieces:

In the U.S. civil war (1861-1865), the southern states seceded from the Union to form the Confederacy. Colloquially, Southern folk were known as “rebels,” while Northerners were “yankees.” According to, more men perished—about 625,000—than in any other American conflict. Two-thirds died of diseases, such as mumps, chicken pox, measles and malaria. In all, because both sides were American, more perished than in WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined. The Mason-Dixon Line was a colonial demarcation surveyed about 100 years earlier. To this day, it still represents the borders of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. In early 1820, the Missouri Compromise designated parallel 36°30′ north (the Mason-Dixon Line) as the demarcation above which slavery had been abolished. Below it, the practice flourished, until the victorious North outlawed it.

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