Whale Clit
NORTHEAST PACIFIC — Males of most species are sexually ignorant. A significant portion focus exclusively on their own gratification.
Large bodies of saltwater mostly or wholely encompassed by land, usually claimed by nations with access to an ocean.
NORTHEAST PACIFIC — Males of most species are sexually ignorant. A significant portion focus exclusively on their own gratification.
LOCAL RESERVOIR — They’re not remotely like their namesakes, but they are pretty cool, nonetheless.
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN — Piracy on the high seas has always been a tough choice of profession. But call of the booty is irresistable.
INDIAN OCEAN — Humans have a checkered past with cetaceans. Some populations are bouncing back. Romances are blooming.
FINGERVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, USA — It’s so pleasant when the crew is like-minded.
LISBON, PORTUGAL — Back from a mission that went bad, Stumpy regroups with Javier.