BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, USA — Don’t betray Edgar. He’s got a dark side.
Large bodies of saltwater mostly or wholely encompassed by land, usually claimed by nations with access to an ocean.
CARIBBEAN SEA — When conditions are particularly bad, you can always use drugs to quell rebellion.
TACOMA, WASHINGTON, USA — The comparison of shellfish to genitalia is one as old as time. And it’s still funny as fuck.
NORTH ATLANTIC — Fish names are second only to bird names as the most ridiculous ones in the animal kingdom.
BRINY BREEZES, FLORIDA, USA — Half fish, half woman. How does one reconcile such a nightmarish morphological mismatch.
WESTERN PACIFIC — There’s room for art in all facets of life, you just have to be willing to invest the time, energy and expense to make it a permanent resident.