Star Wars: Clone Troopers
PLANET KAMINO — The Grand Army of the Republic, rather than the defenders of democracy, was its undoing.
Soldiers, sailors, airmen, machines of war and topics related to military matters.
PLANET KAMINO — The Grand Army of the Republic, rather than the defenders of democracy, was its undoing.
FINGERVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, USA — It’s so pleasant when the crew is like-minded.
DICKSHOOTER, IDAHO, USA — Women are not traditionally drawn to combat aviation roles, so when they are, it is a longstanding desire to accomplish it.
PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA — There often special procedures for elite military units to employ, but some are needlessly perilous.
CARIBBEAN SEA — When conditions are particularly bad, you can always use drugs to quell rebellion.
ALPHA QUADRANT — If a security officer you’ve never seen beams down to the planet surface with Kirk in the opening Star Trek scene, you know it’s not going to end well for him.