VALDOSTA, GEORGIA, USA — If you’re going down, anyway, pre-plan your posthumous revenge.
Physical or psychological maladies affecting the quality and quantity of one’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. Includes medical science, research, diagnoses, treatments, procedures, personnel, facilities, equipment and related industries.
VALDOSTA, GEORGIA, USA — If you’re going down, anyway, pre-plan your posthumous revenge.
DAMES QUARTER, MARYLAND, USA — At the conclusion of hostilities, both sides in the American Civil War resolve to come together in the spirit of reconciliation.
VIRGIN ISLANDS — The traditional, heavier rum made from blackstrap molasses has a peculiar taste.
LOCAL CROTCH — Never underestimate the value of a good education.
COLON, MICHIGAN, USA — An ass with a mind of its own will invariably rebel. It never ends well.
PRINCIPALITY OF GALILEE — The Son of God, food-poisoned, suffers the same symptoms as the rest of us mere mortals.